Everything you should be aware of regarding North Korea’s recently developed nuclear-powered submarine

Everything you should be aware of regarding North Korea’s recently developed nuclear-powered submarine

North ⁢Korea has launched its latest submarine, with⁤ the ceremony attended by leader Kim‌ Jong Un.

The Sinpo-C class submarine is the latest and most potent addition⁢ to North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

A modified Russian‌ design, it uses a‌ diesel engine that can ‍in turn charge​ a series of batteries,‌ allowing the submarine​ to run virtually silent when needed. Diesel-electric propulsion is a ⁣decades-old⁤ technology, but North Korea has radically altered the ​design, stretching the sail to ‌include some missile launch tubes.

Analysis of the photos of this new submarine, named Hero Kim Kun Ok, suggests it can silently transport and ⁢launch 10 Pukguksong-3 missiles while​ still submerged.

This is a huge leap in⁢ capabilities for North Korea.

Long-range missiles launched from land would be‌ quickly spotted and tracked as anti-missile batteries‍ were alerted. However, this‌ new submarine would, in theory, be able to travel underwater, closing in stealthily on its target. ⁣The ⁤closer the sub could get, the less distance is needed for ⁤the missile ‍to travel to its target, giving very little time for the target to react and defend itself.

Source from www.aljazeera.com

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