Essential Inclusions for a Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC: 10 Must-Have Features

Essential Inclusions for a Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC: 10 Must-Have Features

While any potential Baldur’s Gate 3 DLC is likely to be⁢ a long way off, as the game is set to receive post-launch patches and updates, a​ few important features could improve the experience. By fixing some of the game’s shortcomings and adding a significant amount of new content, DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3 can go far beyond ‍what post-release patches could offer. While Larian Studios, the developer of ‌BG3, hasn’t made a habit⁢ of⁢ releasing substantial paid DLC content⁤ for the Divinity: Original Sin series, the games have received significant upgrades in the form of Definitive Edition re-releases, provided for free to owners of the original game.

Rather than adding a large amount ‍of new​ content,‍ these re-released upgrades focused on smoothing out the⁣ existing games, with⁤ definitive edition⁤ of Divinity: Original Sin 2 in particular improving the game’s lackluster third act and adding a few ⁢minor quests spanning the length of the game. With Baldur’s Gate 3 being ⁢a significantly larger success, however, the game has a higher chance of receiving additional DLC content, possibly on top ‌of a Definitive Edition release.

Generally, the⁤ character creation of Baldur’s Gate 3 is comprehensive, allowing the creation of characters spanning a wide range of appearances and ‍archetypes. However, some options⁢ are notably limited — custom character voices, for example, have only four available options covering a relatively narrow range, creating a potential mismatch between the voice and appearance of older or rougher-looking characters. Pulling⁤ additional races from⁢ DnD could also allow for a wider range of options for character backgrounds, and additional body types​ for every race would allow for even more varied player characters across different ⁢playthroughs.

One of the more common ⁢criticisms levied towards Baldur’s Gate 3 is its lackluster Act 3, where the game loses some⁢ of the reactivity, cohesion, and story consistency that was present‍ in ⁤earlier acts. While Larian has already⁣ begun to address many of the ​third act’s issues ⁣in post-launch patches, such as ‌improving performance‌ in Baldur’s Gate, a DLC or Definitive Edition could allow for more sweeping changes. Changes⁢ that would require additional ⁢content to be added, such as making Gortash into a more substantial villain or tying companion quests more closely to⁢ the‍ main story, would be good choices for a DLC.

Similarly, the endings of Baldur’s Gate 3 are commonly seen as one⁣ of the game’s few major shortcomings, as the game⁢ ends somewhat abruptly and‍ doesn’t expand further⁣ on any of the possible endgame states. While​ Larian has already begun to add new content‍ for endings, such as an⁢ extended ending for Karlach in the ⁤game’s ⁤second major patch, a full revision of the many endings and the addition⁢ of something like image slides or a post-game party‍ would likely be a large task, more suited to a comprehensive re-release ⁤or a DLC expansion.

2023-09-06 17:48:03
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