Dozens Injured as Deck Collapses at Montana Country Club

Dozens Injured as Deck Collapses at Montana Country Club

<img alt="A witness reports that 40‌ people were on the ⁤deck before the collapse.” src=”” width=”465″ height=”278.9818607372733″ class=”dcr-evn1e9″>

More ‍than 30 people were injured⁢ when a deck collapsed at a ⁢country club overlooking Montana’s largest city, police said on Sunday.

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The second-story patio floor of Billings’ Briarwood ​country club⁢ broke and gave way Saturday evening. The collapse caused head ⁣wounds,⁤ broken ribs and other injuries as people landed atop each other and debris and scraps of food scattered over the⁢ grass next‌ to the club’s golf course.

The police⁤ statement said there ⁤were no fatalities although​ “multiple individuals” had‍ injuries. The cause of the collapse ⁤has‌ yet to be determined.

At least 25 people were taken to local hospitals, ⁢eight were treated on site ​and additional guests may have been injured, ⁤Lt⁢ Matt Lennick of the Billings police department said in the statement.

The Billings Gazette reported that a guest with bruised ribs who landed on a​ woman⁣ estimated that ‌at least 40 people were ‍on​ the deck at⁤ the time it gave ⁢way.

Dr Clint Seger, CEO of the Billings Clinic, said in a statement that ⁣the hospital ⁤initially received six patients with others expected. Another Billings Clinic⁣ official separately said 11 ⁣victims ‌were admitted, the Gazette added.

“We have multiple⁢ trauma surgeons, ER ⁣physicians and the ER ⁣team along with ⁣critical care staff on ⁣site receiving patients,” ‍Seger said.

The Briarwood website says the club opened in 1984 and offers golf, dining and swimming.

2023-07-23 15:32:32
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