Donald Trump can only be stopped by politics, not the law

Donald Trump can only be stopped by politics, not the law

Only⁤ politics, not the law, can stop Donald Trump

On reading the latest⁣ criminal indictment of ⁢Donald Trump, this⁣ one for‌ trying ‍to overthrow a duly elected president, certain feelings return with renewed power, including that stomach-churning⁣ mix of ⁢wonder, dismay ⁤and exhaustion at ⁣the volume and absurdity of his lies⁣ about the 2020 election. ‍But ⁤a surprising‌ new sentiment stirs as well:⁤ nostalgia. ⁢American politics seemed so much healthier⁤ back then.

After all, in a political test without​ precedent since the⁣ civil war, the centre held. ⁣In ⁣fact, the right held. Mr Trump’s vice-president, Mike Pence, stood up to him, as did others within the ‍White House. Kevin McCarthy, ‌the Republican leader in the House, said Mr Trump “bears responsibility” for the attack on the Capitol by “mob rioters”. That ⁢was a nice moment, in retrospect.

Even more ⁢inspiring, in ​states such as Arizona, Georgia,‍ Michigan and Pennsylvania,⁢ unfamous Republican officials honoured ⁣their own integrity, without recourse to any other authority, and rebuffed the pleas and threats of ‍a president they believed in.⁣ “Nobody wanted‍ him to win more than me,” said Lee Chatfield, the speaker of ⁣the House in⁤ Michigan, in ⁣a statement quoted in the indictment, handed down on August 1st. ⁣“But I‌ love our‌ republic, ‌too. I can’t fathom ‌risking our⁤ norms,⁤ our traditions​ and institutions.” He added, “I fear we’d lose our country forever.”

2023-08-02 15:13:05
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