Discover the Latest Update: Gran Turismo Sport Now Features Offline Mode Following Ubisoft’s Server Shutdown

Discover the Latest Update: Gran Turismo Sport Now Features Offline Mode Following Ubisoft’s Server Shutdown

Sony has recently announced ⁣the impending shutdown of the servers for Gran Turismo Sport on January 31st, causing concern among fans of the game. The game’s reliance on online play and⁤ lack of offline‍ saves had players worried about its future.

However, there is​ good news ⁣for fans as Polyphony Digital, the studio⁤ behind ‍the game, has released ⁢a new‍ patch that⁢ introduces offline save progress.‍ This means that players will still ⁣be able to enjoy the game even after‍ the server shutdown.

This development has been met​ with joy from ⁤the game’s fanbase, who have contrasted Sony’s approach with that of Ubisoft. The French publisher shut down the servers for their online game The⁤ Crew without ⁢providing a similar patch, leading to ⁢frustration and even potential legal action from players who were deprived of access to the game.

Originally released in 2017 on PS4, Gran Turismo Sport ‌is also available ⁣on PS5⁢ through backward compatibility.

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