DC to Unveil R-Rated Animated Film Adaptation of Alan Moore’s “Watchmen”

DC to Unveil R-Rated Animated Film Adaptation of Alan Moore’s “Watchmen”

The DC company has announced‍ that two of⁤ its upcoming ⁢animated films will⁢ be ⁢based on ​iconic graphic novels ​from ​the 1980s. “Crisis on Infinite‌ Earths” and ‍”Watchmen” are set to receive animated adaptations in 2024.

This⁤ exciting⁢ news was⁤ revealed⁢ at‌ the San ⁣Diego Comic-Con exhibition. While‍ DC did not provide specific ‌details about ⁢the ⁤projects, it⁣ has been confirmed that the film “Watchmen” will have ⁢an R rating.

The ​storyline⁣ of “Crisis on ​Infinite ⁣Earths”⁣ revolves ⁢around⁣ the cosmic⁢ destroyer ‍known as​ the Anti-Monitor, who⁣ aims to ⁤annihilate​ all universes‍ within ⁢the DC ‌multiverse.⁣ This dire ⁢situation forces heroes from various ​worlds to unite in order to save⁤ what remains.

As for “Watchmen”, the⁤ animated⁤ film ‍will ‍be​ an ⁢adaptation of ⁣the highly acclaimed graphic⁣ novel by⁤ Alan ​Moore and Dave‌ Gibbons. ⁣This graphic novel⁣ has ⁤already ⁤inspired ‍Zack Snyder’s film adaptation ‍and a‍ controversial sequel⁤ on HBO. ‍It is worth mentioning that ‍Snyder’s film was accompanied by an⁣ animated‍ short‌ film that adapted fragments from the ​comic​ “Tales⁣ of ⁤the⁤ Black Freighter”.

Article from www.playground.ru‌ rnrn

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