Data on User Hardware for August 2023 Published by Valve

Data on User Hardware for August 2023 Published by Valve

The results of Valve’s monthly ​Steam hardware and software survey ‌have been published,​ which means we can see how the ⁢latest ‌Microsoft operating system is performing among⁢ the gaming audience. According ‌to a similar report by Statcounter, the market‌ share‍ of Windows 11 ⁢worldwide is approximately 27%, but the situation is slightly different ⁢in the‍ gaming industry.

For⁤ those unfamiliar with the Steam ⁢hardware and software survey, here’s how‍ Valve describes it:

Steam conducts ⁢a monthly survey to collect data ‌on what⁤ computer hardware and software ⁣our customers are ‍using.‍ Participation in⁤ the‍ survey is optional and anonymous. The ​information collected is incredibly‍ valuable to us⁢ when making decisions​ about what technologies to invest ​in ‌and what products ⁤to offer.

According to Valve’s data, the number of Windows 11 users has ‍significantly increased in ⁢August⁢ 2023. The operating system,⁤ which will be two years old next month, currently stands at 39.22%, which is ‌2.55% higher ‍than the‍ previous ‌month. It is now dangerously close to​ Windows 10, which has⁣ a steadily declining market share of 55.98%, a decrease of 1.89%.

Windows 10 is not the only operating system losing users on Steam. For the⁤ 64-bit version of Windows 7, this value has decreased to 1.02 (-0.19),⁣ for the 64-bit version of ‍Windows 8.1, ​to 0.22 (-0.03), and for the 32-bit version of Windows 7, to 0.08% (-0.02).

Windows 10 – 55.98%⁢ (-1.89)
Windows‌ 11 – 39.22% ⁢(+2.55)
Windows 7 64-bit – 1.02% (-0.19)
Windows 8.1 64-bit – 0.22% (-0.03)
Windows 7 – 0.08% (-0.02)

Overall, the Windows family dominates the Steam market with a share of 96.61% (+0.4). macOS has 1.57% (-0.27), and Linux has ⁤1.82% (-0.14).

Here​ are ‌the most popular ⁤hardware options among those who use Steam for PC​ gaming:

You can find more detailed information on the official survey‍ page.

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