Could Tears Of The Kingdom Be the Final Zelda Game?

Could Tears Of The Kingdom Be the Final Zelda Game?

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of Kingdom continues the story of Breath of the Wild, and while there were speculations that it might be the final‍ game in the‌ current timeline, it doesn’t‍ necessarily mean the end of the entire franchise. The progression of the Zelda series is based on the⁢ continuity established in Skyward⁣ Sword, where Demise curses ‍future⁣ generations (specifically those who ⁤take on the roles of Link and Zelda) to face his evil. The Link and Zelda in TOTK are believed to be the ‌youngest generation in the‌ series⁢ chronologically, as both BOTW and TOTK take place long after previous games. However, their ⁤connection to the past and their placement in the‌ series’ ‌timeline suggest⁤ a possible resolution to the intergenerational conflict between Link, Zelda, and​ Demise.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Legend of Zelda:⁢ Tears of the​ Kingdom.

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Tears of the Kingdom ⁣did not end Zelda’s timeline by creating a circular loop, as some speculated ⁤before the game’s release‌ in⁤ May ⁣2023. In⁢ other words, TOTK did not bring Link and Zelda back to​ the time of Skyward Sword in a destined time loop. Such a significant revision to the Zelda timeline, let alone an​ ending to ‌the series, might seem too bold and outlandish ​for TOTK. However, the symbolism, lore, and design in TOTK, ‌particularly ​with ​the Zonai and ⁣Zelda’s time-traveling, suggest that not only is a ⁤time loop possible, but it may also be⁤ the direction the‌ series is​ heading in the future.

The argument⁢ for Tears of ⁣the Kingdom being the final Zelda game revolved around⁢ the lore⁤ of ​its titular ‍character, Zelda. In Skyward Sword, ⁢the goddess Hylia sacrifices herself to save the people of Hyrule before being reincarnated as⁣ Zelda. ​This led many ‌fans,‌ including YouTuber Zeltik, to speculate that TOTK would see Zelda becoming ⁢Hylia again in an attempt‌ to⁤ save Hyrule – a theory that was partially correct. However,‌ this would create a⁤ cycle ​where Hylia and Zelda have to transform‍ into each other to⁣ protect the kingdom, making TOTK the endpoint of this cycle and bringing ⁤The Legend of⁢ Zelda ⁢timeline back ⁤to where it was in Skyward ⁢Sword.

2023-08-28 ‌00:48:03
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