Coming Soon: Generative AI Arrives for Apple IT Admins with Jamf

Coming Soon: Generative AI Arrives for Apple IT Admins with Jamf

Imagine running fleets of ​iPhones that alert⁣ you when unexpected⁢ security-related incidents take place, or when otherwise legitimate ⁢service requests arrive from devices at an unexpected ‍time or location. Imagine‍ management and security software that not only identified these kinds of anomalies ⁢but gave ⁤you useful advice to help remediate the problem.

This,​ and more, is the kind of protection Jamf hopes to deliver ⁢using generative AI tools.

Generative IT for ‍Apple admins

Jamf believes generative ⁣AI ​can be a‌ big benefit to tech support and IT admin, and talked‌ about its efforts at the end of an ⁢extensive Jamf Nation User Conference (JNUC) keynote. Akash ​Kamath,‌ the⁣ company’s senior vice president, engineering, explained that just as the Mac​ made computing personal, genAI makes AI personal.

“It’s impossible to ignore the ⁤seismic shifts AI is causing across industries,” Kamath said during ‌the keynote, noting that McKinsey claims generative ⁤AI could help automate​ nearly ​one-third of all work hours by 2030.

“That’s a game-changer,” said Kamath, “but let’s not‍ forget the cautionary examples ‌like ChatGPT’s ‘hallucinations,’ which can lead to misinformation. This is ​particularly alarming for⁣ us at Jamf, where‌ we believe that ⁢’Trusted Access’ isn’t just a tagline — it’s a commitment.”

What Jamf is doing with AI

Kamath explained⁤ a little concerning Ask Jamf, a genAI ⁣project his‌ team ⁢is developing that uses a specialized‍ large⁣ language model (LLM) trained with ⁤proprietary⁢ data obtained from Jamf Pro documentation⁣ and the company’s user forums.

The concept ‌here is that an IT admin can ⁣get help building​ and scheduling policies,developing tutorials to build specific extensions and for other tasks. The ⁢project, now in early development, is being tested by admins at the show.

“Our aspirations don’t end with a language ‍model,” said Kamath. “The ultimate goal of AI integration into ​Jamf products ​is ⁤to function as a silent​ partner that amplifies your effectiveness.”

AI and better device security

With this in mind, ‌the company has built​ Hypothesis, a ⁤security assistant for IT. “This function ​acts like an additional member ⁢of your security team…, ⁣helping you separate the critical from the benign,” he explained.

The tool analyzes ⁤security events ⁤and their‍ associated telemetry data ‍in real‌ time to give IT better insights into what happened and better ⁣advice on what to do next.

The devices will protect themselves (more)

News that⁢ Jamf ⁢is working with genAI for⁣ admin and security follows a similar announcement‍ from Google at the RSA Conference 2023. That’s where the ⁢company⁣ announced Google Cloud Security AI Workbench.

Just as with Jamf’s approach, Google’s LLMs rely on security intel gathered by the company and⁤ its partners. These intelligent security machines should deliver fast alerts to any threat indicators, offer up access to remediation tools, and empower teams to secure systems more​ swiftly.

2023-09-21 12:48:02
Original from rnrn

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