Developers Receive Powerful AI Chatbot Backbone from Microsoft and Meta

Developers Receive Powerful AI Chatbot Backbone from Microsoft and Meta

Meta‍ and ⁣Microsoft‌ released ⁢Llama 2, a large language model⁤ that serves‍ as the‍ foundation ‍for ‌artificial ⁢intelligence ‍chatbots.


Two of ‌the ‌world largest ‌technology​ companies released ‍a ‍powerful⁢ AI‌ tool ‌to ‌the publicLlama 2 is ⁣available for ‌free​ for ‌research and commercial​ useThe​ technology ⁣could rival OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Two⁣ of ‌the​ world’s largest technology ⁢companies teamed⁣ up ⁤to build⁢ the ​foundation of an artificial intelligence language software‍ that ​could rival industry ⁢leading ⁢ChatGPT. ⁢The ⁢pair is ‍letting‌ anyone who wants ‌it access⁤ the ⁢technology for‍ free.

On Tuesday, Microsoft ⁤Corp. (NASDAQ: ‌MSFT)‌ and Facebook-owner⁤ Meta‌ Platforms Inc.⁢ (NASDAQ: META)⁣ announced the ‌pair were ​working ⁢together to​ roll out‍ so-called Llama​ 2. ‍The‌ camelid-inspired⁣ acronym⁣ stands⁢ for Large Language⁣ Model ⁤Meta ​AI.

In ​a​ Tuesday‌ blog post, ​John ⁣Montgomery,‍ Microsoft’s corporate vice president for⁤ its Azure ‌AI,‌ said‍ the leading technology companies‍ “share ⁢a ​commitment to democratizing AI ‌and its benefits”‍ and⁣ are therefore taking ⁣an “open ‌approach”‍ with⁢ Llama 2.

In ​its own release, Meta said ⁣open access‌ benefits⁢ everyone.

“Giving ‍businesses, startups,⁢ entrepreneurs,⁣ and ⁣researchers​ access to⁣ tools developed⁢ at​ a​ scale​ that would ⁣be challenging to ‍build⁣ themselves, backed by ‌computing ⁣power they might not otherwise access, will ⁣open up a⁣ world of opportunities‌ for them to⁢ experiment, innovate in exciting ‍ways, and ⁤ultimately benefit from⁣ economically​ and ⁣socially,” the company‍ said in⁢ a Tuesday release.⁢ “We’re now ready ⁢to⁣ open ⁢source …⁣ Llama‌ 2 and‌ are ​making ⁢it available‍ free of charge for ​research ​and ​commercial use.”

Meta is​ due to release its second​ quarter of ​2023⁢ earnings⁤ on ‍July​ 26. ‌During⁢ its ⁤most recent earnings ⁤call, ‌held⁢ on April 26, 2023, CEO ⁢Mark‍ Zuckerberg ​touched on​ Llama 2 ⁢and⁢ other AI developments at the company.

“I think there’s ‌an opportunity ‌to introduce⁢ AI ⁣agents ​to billions of people‍ in ways that will⁢ be useful​ and ‌meaningful,” Zuckerberg said on the⁣ call, according⁣ to​ a Meta⁣ transcript. “We’re exploring‍ chat⁤ experiences in ‍WhatsApp and Messenger, visual⁤ creation‍ tools ‍for ⁣posts ⁤in⁣ Facebook and Instagram ⁤and⁣ ads,⁢ and⁣ over ⁢time video⁤ and multi-modal‍ experiences as‍ well.

“I⁢ expect ⁢that‌ these ​tools⁤ will be valuable for ‍everyone⁤ from regular people ‍to​ creators ⁤to‍ businesses.​ For ⁢example, ⁢I⁢ expect‌ that a​ lot ​of⁤ interest​ in ‍AI agents​ for ‍business messaging‌ and ⁣customer support ⁣will come⁤ once‍ we‍ nail​ that⁤ experience.”

In ​an ‍email to​ International Business Times, ‍Lauren Van Delden, a spokeswoman for Microsoft, said ‌Llama 2 ​is a large language model designed⁢ by Meta to “enable‌ developers and‍ organizations ‌to ⁤build generative AI-powered tools ‌and experiences.”

Large⁤ language models lie at the backbone⁢ of modern‍ text⁢ generating⁤ AI ⁢software ‌like OpenAI’s popular ‍ChatGPT. Language models enable ⁤computers to‌ read ‍and ⁤generate ⁤text.

ChatGPT,​ which⁤ is built on⁣ the‍ multi-modal ‍large ⁣language models GPT-3 and GPT-4 is,‌ already​ turning‌ heads⁢ around the​ world for its ​ability ⁤to‌ disrupt academia ⁤and established‌ businesses ‌relying on ⁢writers ​and ⁣editors.⁢ The ​powerful​ technology⁣ is⁢ now drawing ⁤the‍ scrutiny of ‌regulators ​in the‌ United​ States and the⁤ European ‌Union.

Not ‍to⁤ be⁤ outdone, Apple⁢ Inc. ‍(Nasdaq: ​AAPL) ​is ‍reportedly⁤ working on its own large‍ language ‍model AI ‍tool to⁤ compete ⁢with‌ ChatGPT⁣ and⁢ Alphabet‌ Inc.’s​ (NASDAQ: GOOG) experimental ‍Bard.

Amanda Felix, a spokeswoman for‌ Meta, ‌told IBT ⁢the company ⁢is not currently doing ⁤interviews. She declined to discuss‌ the ​specifics of the‍ technology⁣ and ⁤the partnership.

Llama‍ 2, ‍Van ⁣Delden said, is the successor to⁤ the Llama 1 ⁤test‍ product⁣ released by Meta to ‌the⁢ academic and science community on​ a ⁣limited basis. This ‌trial yielded “rapid innovation‍ and optimization”‌ of the model allowing ​the ⁤second version to‌ be ‌released⁢ more widely.

“Meta⁢ is opening it⁢ up ‍for commercial‍ use ​on⁤ other⁢ platforms,” ⁣Van Delden said. “Microsoft and Meta ⁣share a belief⁤ that ‌AI ⁣can ⁣benefit⁢ everyone and we​ also‌ believe in giving businesses ‌and developers …​ the ⁤ability to ⁢use⁤ and⁣ modify Llama 2 for their organizations.”

Llama 2, like similar technologies, is ⁢open‍ to‍ various⁢ applications. ‍Van Delden ⁢said ‌it can be used for ⁤”content ‍summarization, ⁢providing‍ personalized customer service or⁤ internal reference⁣ experiences as‍ well as a way‍ to query large sets of data ​using natural ⁤language.”

“Llama 2 ⁢is​ ideal for organizations ‌within ⁤vertical ​industries such ⁣as healthcare, ⁣finance, ‍and manufacturing that​ wish‌ to have additional flexibility to⁣ personalize⁣ models on ​their ‌hardware ⁣and ⁤for those ⁤looking⁣ for ‌additional model‍ options,” Van Delden‍ told⁢ IBT.

Hugging ⁤Face,⁣ an AI community,‍ published ⁢a⁤ blog ‍detailing ​the specifics of Llama ‌2 on⁤ Thursday. The‍ community’s blog post includes a demo version ‍of ⁣the so-called​ Big ⁣Llama 2 Model.

The⁤ software⁢ is ​also being⁣ distributed through⁤ ⁢Inc.⁣ (NASDAQ: AMZN)’s‍ SageMaker JumpStart.

2023-07-22 04:00:04
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