Cheat Sheet for Microsoft Loop

Cheat Sheet for Microsoft Loop

Since ‌announcing‍ its Loop ⁤collaboration ‍app in‌ late 2021, ⁣Microsoft‍ has been rolling out​ some of ‍its‌ features ⁣to⁣ Microsoft ⁢365​ apps like Teams ​and Outlook. But ​the Loop‍ app⁤ itself‌ has been⁤ in⁣ private‍ beta. That ⁢changed⁤ in March ⁤when ⁣the company released​ the‍ Loop‍ app in ‍public preview.

Loop is⁢ an ‌online​ app that you⁤ use ⁢through a ‌web ​browser. It’s also available as​ a mobile app‍ for‍ Android ⁢or iOS, with‍ more limited ​functionality. While anyone with a ‍Microsoft account ‌can sign​ up​ to‌ try out Loop ‌(at least⁤ for ⁢now),⁣ some features ​may not⁣ be ⁢available without ⁤a Microsoft 365 ​subscription. ​Also ​note that if you have ‌a ⁣work ‍or⁢ school ​Microsoft account, your administrator will ‌need‍ to ‌enable the ​Loop app​ for your​ organization before​ you can use it.

Let’s take⁤ a ⁢look⁢ at the⁣ Loop app and​ how you can⁢ use​ it to‍ collaborate⁢ with your ​team. Keep ⁢in mind that‌ the ⁢preview versions​ of the ⁤web and mobile apps may be unstable,⁣ and⁢ features ⁤may​ change before ⁢the​ apps are officially ⁣released.

What ⁤is ‍Microsoft⁤ Loop?

Microsoft Loop⁤ is ‌a⁢ new‍ productivity⁤ app that lets ⁤Microsoft⁢ 365 subscribers ⁢share portable ‍content ⁤snippets ⁢and⁤ manage ‌them ‍in a collaborative‌ space. ‌Loop consists of ⁤three ⁢main elements: Loop ⁣components, ​Loop pages, and ⁤Loop workspaces.

Loop components are portable⁣ text cards or⁣ snippets ‌—⁤ lists, tables, paragraphs, or other ⁤formats‍ — that‍ can be shared with ⁤others⁤ for collaboration. They can be embedded‍ in ⁣multiple Microsoft 365 ‍apps ⁣such ​as Teams⁤ and Outlook, ​and ⁢any changes‌ made to a component ⁤in one location‍ immediately ‌appears in all ​other ‍locations. That ⁤way ⁤everyone always has the‌ most‌ current version of ‌the component ‍no ⁢matter which ‌app they’re working in.

Loop ‍pages are shared ⁢digital ⁣canvases that let ​you⁢ add Loop components and⁢ other⁢ elements such ​as text, images, and related information. Your‌ co-workers can collaborate with you on pages that you’ve⁣ shared⁤ with⁤ them, ⁤and all changes ‍are⁢ synced⁣ in real ​time.

Loop workspaces⁣ are⁢ virtual‍ spaces‌ where⁢ you can ⁣group together‍ related ⁤pages. You can ​share a workspace​ with your co-workers⁤ so ⁣that​ they can‍ collaborate⁤ with ‍you⁢ on ​the pages it ​contains. ⁤For ⁣instance, you⁤ might‌ want to⁣ create a ⁤workspace⁣ for ⁣a ⁤project your ⁢team is working ⁢on. ‌This project workspace ‌could⁣ include ​multiple pages‌ for⁣ the​ project, such‌ as a​ project⁣ planning⁤ page, a​ project‍ brief, meeting notes, an​ issue tracker,⁤ and so ‌on.

We⁢ have a‍ separate story‍ that⁣ goes ⁣into detail​ about Loop ‌components and how⁢ to use them in ‍Microsoft​ 365 apps. ‌In this‌ story we’ll focus ‌on setting up ‍pages and⁢ workspaces in the ⁢Loop ​app. ​Here’s⁤ how‌ to get⁢ started using‍ the ⁣app: 

Create a ⁢workspace.
Add one⁢ or‌ more pages to ​your workspace.
Add‍ text and⁤ other ‌elements, including Loop components,⁢ to a page.
Share​ a​ page ​or workspace⁤ with your co-workers so they‌ can⁤ collaborate with ‌you on it.
Creating‌ a Loop workspace

From the‍ home ​page of ⁤the Loop​ web ⁢app, click the + button ⁤at ‍the upper ‍right. On‌ the panel…

2023-07-18‌ 10:24:03
Original from ‌⁣ rnrn

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