Can the Difficulty Settings in Baldur’s Gate 3 Impact Achievements and Trophies?

Can the Difficulty Settings in Baldur’s Gate 3 Impact Achievements and Trophies?

Baldur’s Gate 3⁤ allows players to choose their ‍difficulty⁣ level, but doesn’t make it clear whether that ‍affects the achievements ⁤or ‍trophies they can get.⁤ Depending on how players approach it, Baldur’s Gate 3 ‌can be surprisingly hard. It’s an open-world game with no⁣ level scaling, which ⁢means‍ that ⁣it can be easy ⁤to run into overpowered monsters with a low-level character. Of course, like‍ any good⁢ game of DnD,⁤ there are ways to make defeating enemies easier in Baldur’s ⁣Gate 3 ⁤and deal game-breaking amounts of damage with the right character ⁢build. But achieving that requires careful planning, and can suck all ‌the fun out of a campaign.

There are three difficulty ⁤settings​ in ⁢Baldur’s Gate 3: Explorer, Balanced, ​and Tactician. Explorer is the easiest, ‍and is ‍geared toward peaceful, story-focused⁣ roaming ⁢through the‌ scenic Forgotten Realms. Tactician is the hardest, requiring careful choice of ‌the party’s every move, and Balanced naturally lands ‌somewhere between the two. While ⁣the experiences these difficulty levels provide ‌are pretty self-explanatory, what exactly they⁤ change about⁤ the game is a more complicated question.

There’s only one achievement in Baldur’s Gate 3 tied to the chosen difficulty level, and ⁣that’s Critical Hit. This achievement is for completing the game on the Tactician difficulty mode. ​It’s entirely possible ⁣to get all 52 of the other⁢ achievements in ​a single Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough. However, that’s no⁢ easy ​feat. Many of them revolve around ​one-time opportunities, like knocking a dragon out of the sky or defeating potentially missable characters. Others are unique feats, like earning a certain amount of gold from performances or​ beating a certain number of enemies while drunk,⁢ and still others are ‌story-based. Varied ⁢though they are, all of​ them – with the single ​exception of Critical Hit – can⁣ be obtained at any difficulty level.

The⁣ only way to get the Critical Hit achievement is to complete Baldur’s ⁣Gate 3 on the hardest available difficulty ‍level. This requires setting ⁣the difficulty ⁢to⁤ Tactician when ‍starting a new game, and ‌playing through the‌ entirety of ⁣the main campaign without switching over to a lower​ difficulty. Difficulty‌ switching is quite easy from the pause menu, but in order to‍ get ‌the Critical Hit‌ achievement,‌ players will need ⁤to resist‍ temptation. That means facing enemies with⁢ higher ⁢HP, and succeeding at rolls with higher difficulty‍ classes ⁤across the​ board. It’s ⁤a‍ challenge ​best reserved for the most experienced ‍players – DnD and‍ RPG newcomers should content themselves with lower difficulty modes, unless they insist on total completion.

Difficulty settings in Baldur’s Gate 3 provide a⁢ much-needed degree of‍ customizability to what can often be ⁣a difficult game. ‌However, it doesn’t‍ limit player freedom by reserving just one achievement for its hardest ​mode. At⁤ the same time, it provides a true challenge for those who want to complete 100% of the ‌game or earn‌ Baldur’s Gate ⁣3’s platinum trophy on PS5. It…

2023-08-05 21:24:04
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