Bomb blast in eastern DR Congo leaves nine dead and 16 wounded

Bomb blast in eastern DR Congo leaves nine dead and 16 wounded

At ‍least‌ nine ⁤people ⁤have been ‌killed ⁤and 16 ‍injured ⁢after​ an ⁢explosive⁤ device accidentally​ detonated​ in a‌ field in ⁣the conflict-torn‌ Democratic Republic ‍of the Congo, local ⁤sources ⁤told the ‌AFP⁢ news⁢ agency on ⁣Thursday.

The⁤ blast occurred on ‍Wednesday evening‍ in ‌Lubwe‌ Sud in North Kivu province’s Rutshuru‍ territory.

Justin Mwangaza, ‌a ⁣local ⁣civil​ society figure, said ‍a civilian had​ picked up a⁢ bomb⁣ in​ a⁢ field and⁣ given⁣ it ‌to a militiaman when⁢ it subsequently exploded. Nine⁣ people ⁤were ⁤killed ⁤and‌ 16⁤ injured, he‌ said.

A nurse at a ⁣nearby clinic‌ confirmed the⁣ toll, explaining ⁤that‌ two ​people⁤ died on ‍the​ spot ​and⁤ seven‍ later ​succumbed to their‍ wounds. ⁤Some of the 16 wounded ‌people ⁤are‌ in critical ⁣condition,​ the nurse⁣ said.

Al ⁢Jazeera’s⁤ Alain Uaykani Alwak ⁣confirmed the ‌incident and ​death toll.

Armed⁣ groups ⁣have ‍plagued much⁢ of eastern⁣ DRC ⁤for ​decades, a legacy of‍ regional wars ⁣that flared⁤ in the 1990s and 2000s.‍ According ‌to ⁤a ​count⁢ by​ the⁢ United⁤ Nations, there are as⁣ many ⁤as⁣ 120 groups in the region.

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