Bill Introduced by US Lawmakers Urges Accountability for Assad Government

Bill Introduced by US Lawmakers Urges Accountability for Assad Government

Congresswomen ⁤Rashida ⁣Tlaib⁣ and Ilhan ‌Omar⁣ have‌ introduced a bill urging‍ the​ United States to⁤ support international ​efforts ⁢to⁤ hold the government⁢ of‌ Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accountable for “war crimes and‌ crimes against humanity”.

In a​ statement on​ Thursday,​ Tlaib said that ​victims of Syria’s civil ⁢war have not yet ⁣received justice, with perpetrators‍ facing few consequences.

“Assad’s regime ‍committed ‌some⁤ of ‍the ⁢worst atrocities‌ of⁤ the⁣ 21st ‌century during ⁤the country’s‍ civil war that began in ⁢2011,”⁤ Tlaib ⁢said⁢ in the statement.

“These include, but​ are not​ limited to, ‍the use⁤ of ⁣sarin ⁣gas ‍and‍ other chemical weapons ⁤against civilians, the widespread use ‍of torture and the​ deliberate ​targeting of civilians with conventional ‌weapons.”

The bill⁤ comes⁣ as Arab‌ governments⁤ move to bring the‍ Assad regime in‌ from​ the ⁢cold ⁤after years of diplomatic isolation.​ But the US, ​under⁤ the administration of President Joe​ Biden, ⁤has ⁤insisted that it ‌will ‌not follow in⁣ their footsteps.

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