Biden Officials Engage in Debate Over ‘Coup’ Finding for Niger, Amid Aid Concerns

Biden Officials Engage in Debate Over ‘Coup’ Finding for Niger, Amid Aid Concerns

For more ​than a month in Niger’s capital, Niamey, the democratically elected ⁢president has‌ been a prisoner in his⁣ own home.‌ The camouflage-clad generals ⁣who seized power say they may put ⁢him on trial. Talk of foreign intervention is met with ⁣threats of his execution.

To many ⁢people, the military takeover in Niger in late July‌ was obviously a coup. And yet, ‍in a prime example of contorted diplomatic-speak, Biden administration⁣ officials have so ⁣far carefully danced around the word.

That, they say,‌ is because the​ word “coup”⁢ has major policy⁢ implications: ‍Congress ⁣has mandated‍ that the United ​States ‍must ⁤halt all economic and ‍military aid‍ to any government⁤ deemed to have been installed by⁣ a military coup until democracy is restored in that country.

That might seem‍ a ⁣fitting punishment ‍for military leaders who have sabotaged ⁣a fragile African⁢ democracy. But U.S. officials ​worry it ​could also reduce‍ America’s leverage over Niger’s future, ⁢jeopardize military operations‍ against militants⁣ in the region, invite Russian influence and exacerbate ⁣humanitarian suffering in ‌one of the world’s poorest ‍countries.

The Biden administration has already paused most U.S. aid to the West African​ country,​ and spokespeople for the National Security Council and the State Department said the Biden administration ‍was‍ pursuing diplomacy as it evaluated America’s democratic​ and security goals‌ for Niger. A ⁢formal determination with long-term‌ policy consequences‌ would originate in the State Department’s legal office.

Sarah Margon,‌ the ‍director⁤ of foreign policy for the Open Society Foundations, noted that such debates are growing familiar in Washington. In 2013, ‌the Obama administration held long internal deliberations after a military ⁢takeover in Egypt, which President Barack Obama never labeled a coup.

“It is increasingly a‍ politicized determination, ‍predominantly influenced by ​security concerns — especially counterterrorism,” said Ms. Margon, whose nomination for a ‍top State Department human⁣ rights ‌post was ‍blocked by Republicans⁢ last year.

Many foreign ‌policy ​and pro-democeracy experts ⁣say the Biden administration should forcefully, and ⁢formally, declare ⁣the events a coup — shorthand for the French phrase “coup d’état,” which roughly translates to a blow to the state — now that several weeks have ‍passed and the military leaders who detained ​President Mohamed⁣ Bazoum are refusing to even negotiate.

The question has ‌particular‌ significance given that President Biden has‌ made the defense⁣ of democracy ⁤a⁤ centerpiece of​ his foreign policy ‌agenda. Biden ⁣administration officials have paid particular attention to democracy in African countries; in an August​ 2022 speech in Pretoria, South Africa, laying out the Biden administration’s ⁤vision for ⁣sub-Saharan Africa, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken⁣ used the word “democracy” 11‍ times,⁤ calling it one of four pillars⁣ of ​U.S. policy‌ on the continent.

At stake for​ Niger, a ​U.S. ally, ⁢is ‍hundreds of…

2023-09-06 09:40:18
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