At Least 49 Civilians and 15 Soldiers Killed by Mali Islamists

At Least 49 Civilians and 15 Soldiers Killed by Mali Islamists

Islamist militants staged separate attacks on a passenger ferry and ‍a‍ military camp in northern Mali on Thursday, the government said, killing dozens of civilians⁣ and soldiers in a region of the ‌West African nation that is​ increasingly controlled by armed groups.

At least 49​ civilians and 15 soldiers ⁤were killed ⁢in the attacks, and the army killed about 50 assailants, the government said in a statement.

The attacks were carried out by an affiliate of Al Qaeda, ‌according to the Malian government. They came as Islamist ⁤groups have strengthened their grip on northern Mali, including by imposing a blockade on⁤ Timbuktu, a fabled site of Islamic influence in the 15th and 16th centuries that is registered as ⁢a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

At least 33,000 people have been displaced since the beginning‌ of the blockade in mid-August, ⁢according to‌ the‍ United Nations.

The attack on the river boat took place on ⁣Thursday morning, as the vessel ⁣was traveling on the Niger River. Last Friday, assailants killed three people on another boat on the same river, which ‍had been headed⁤ to Timbuktu. ‌

Later Thursday,‌ assailants carried ‍out the second assault of ​the day, at a military camp in the⁢ neighboring region of Gao.

The Malian government⁤ declared three days of ⁤national mourning after the deadly‍ attacks.

Security in northern Mali ‌has ⁤been unraveling since last year, after the country’s military rulers ousted a French military mission. In June, they abruptly⁢ ordered a United ‌Nations peacekeeping operation of 13,000 personnel to leave the country by the end ​of ‍the year.

The ⁣U.N. mission vacated two military camps in the Timbuktu region last ​month, and insurgents imposed ‍several blockades​ shortly afterward.

Analysts have drawn comparisons‌ between the ongoing deteriorating security situation in Mali’s north and a conflict in 2012 that eventually led an Islamist group to take control of Timbuktu for months and impose Shariah law there.

Mali’s⁣ junta has partnered with the Russian ⁣private ⁣paramilitary group Wagner, which has an‌ estimated ⁣1,500 fighters ‌on the ground in the country. Civilian deaths have risen since‍ the group began⁢ conducting operations⁣ alongside the Malian military ​in early 2022, ‌according‍ to news reports, U.N. experts and‍ human ‌rights organizations.

Wagner was previously led by Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, who​ in June‌ staged a short-lived mutiny⁤ in Russia, abruptly called ‍it ​off and then died ‌last month in a plane crash, caused by what Western officials believed was ⁣an explosion on board.

A delegation ⁣of Russian defense‍ officials traveled to Mali last week and met⁣ with the⁤ country’s military leaders, in what Western diplomats said could be an⁤ attempt by the Kremlin to reclaim control of some of the Wagner group’s activities.

2023-09-07 ​19:56:26
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