Andrew Tate’s app removed by Apple

Andrew Tate’s app removed by Apple

Apple has withdrawn an app⁤ created by Andrew Tate after accusations that it encouraged misogyny and ⁣could be an illegal pyramid scheme.

Tate ‌created the app, Real World Portal,‌ after the closure of his “Hustler’s University”, which was an⁣ online academy for his fans, promising to assist them in making thousands of pounds while helping Tate’s videos on social media, which have‍ been described as ‍misogynistic, to go viral.

McCue Jury & Partners, the​ firm‌ representing four British women who have accused Tate ⁣of sexual and physical assault, claimed ⁤that the ⁣app ⁤deliberately targets⁢ young men and encourages misogyny, including ⁤members of the app sharing techniques on how to‍ control and exploit women.‍ The ‍firm has also claimed that there is evidence to​ suggest ⁢that the⁢ app is an illegal pyramid scheme, with members ⁤being⁣ charged $49.99 a month to ‍join.

Last week, the Real World Portal app was removed from Google’s Play store after claims that it ​was​ an illegal pyramid scheme and encouraged misogyny.

On Friday night Apple​ also said it‌ had removed‌ it from its app store. It ⁢followed a letter from the legal firm ‌asking Apple to consider whether the app‌ was in ⁤line with its policies and whether the company was exposing‍ itself to any corporate liability in hosting it on its platform.

Part of ⁣the letter, dated 15‌ September,⁢ said: “We are writing because our clients are ⁣extremely concerned⁢ that you⁤ are hosting Tate’s Real World ‍Portal (RWP) mobile application on your Apple⁣ Store … In continuing to host⁢ RWP, not only is Apple potentially indirectly ⁣financing Tate’s alleged criminal ‌activities but is aiding the ‌spread of his misogynistic ​teachings.”

The firm had claimed that⁢ Apple was directly profiting from hosting ‌the app, with‍ the company taking 30% ⁢in royalties from apps and in-app purchases.

Four women in their late 20s and early 30s are pursuing civil proceedings against Tate over alleged offences between ⁤2013 and 2016 while ⁢he⁢ was still living in the UK.

Before the​ news that Apple had withdrawn the app, Matt Jury,‌ the lawyer representing the women, said:⁤ “Andrew and [his brother] Tristan Tate manipulate their significant online following‍ to promote subscriptions to Real World Portal. From ​there, the benefits to⁣ users are entirely reliant upon new subscribers joining the platform.

“There ‌is also ‌significant evidence‌ that this scheme is directly targeting boys and teenagers and, in my view, is‌ nothing more than an⁤ exploitative app which has no place on Apple’s platform.”

Tate ‌is awaiting trial⁣ in Romania on​ charges of human trafficking. He‍ and Tristan were charged in June, along with​ two⁢ Romanian female suspects, with human trafficking, rape⁣ and forming a criminal gang to sexually ‍exploit women. The suspects have⁤ denied the​ allegations.

A‍ spokesperson for⁣ Andrew Tate said:⁢ “We unequivocally deny​ the allegations that ‘The ‌Real World’ app operates as a pyramid scheme or perpetuates harmful techniques aimed at exploiting any…

2023-09-22 15:17:30
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