American Citizen Crosses the Rafah Border

American Citizen Crosses the Rafah Border

new video⁣ loaded: U.S. Citizen Crosses the Rafah Border




U.S. Citizen Crosses the Rafah Border

Lena Beseiso, a U.S. citizen, described her journey from Gaza to Egypt.

We⁢ drove really fast to get here. ⁣Hopefully⁣ things‍ will turn out just ⁢fine and⁤ we can be able to finally ⁣leave. We’re at the Palestinian side of the⁢ Rafah border, ⁤and let’s just hope we can make ⁤it through​ today. There’s a ⁣lot⁣ of people here. We are frightened, to be honest. ​This ⁤is putting⁤ our life at risk again. ‍We drove so fast to make sure that we’d get here safely and make it to ‍the ⁤border so we can depart in one piece. What’s ‍going on? This is not right. Waiting⁢ for our passports. They’re ​going to be giving us a visa. Thank goodness we’re not hearing the sound of bombs. So terrible that we⁤ have to leave all those innocent people ⁣behind.

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2023-11-03⁤ 04:50:42
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new video ‍loaded: U.S. Citizen Crosses the Rafah ‍Border




U.S. Citizen Crosses the Rafah Border

Lena Beseiso, a U.S. citizen, described her journey from Gaza to Egypt.

We drove really ‌fast to get here. Hopefully things will turn out just fine and we​ can be able⁢ to finally leave. We’re at the Palestinian ⁤side of the ‌Rafah border, ⁢and let’s just hope we can make it through today. There’s a lot⁣ of people here. We are frightened, to ‌be honest. This is ‌putting our life at risk⁤ again. We‌ drove so fast to make‌ sure that we’d⁤ get here safely and make it to the border so ⁢we can depart in one piece. What’s going on? This is not right. Waiting for our passports. They’re ​going to be ⁣giving us a visa. Thank goodness we’re not hearing the sound of​ bombs. So terrible ⁣that we have to leave all those innocent people⁢ behind.

Recent episodes in ⁢Israel Gaza ‌War

Show more videos​ from Israel Gaza War

2023-11-03‌ 04:50:42
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