Accountant at bankrupt Thurrock council under investigation by watchdog

Accountant at bankrupt Thurrock council under investigation by watchdog

The UK’s accounting watchdog has launched an investigation ⁣into an accountant at Thurrock council after ‍the​ Conservative-run local authority’s failed investment⁤ spree landed it in effective bankruptcy.

The Financial⁣ Reporting⁤ Council (FRC)‌ said its move‍ related to an individual’s compliance with governance, ‌reporting, regulations and professional standards at ‌the ​Essex council ⁣over its operations and investment activities between March 2018 and March 2022.

It is understood the investigation concerns a former ​council official who is a member​ of a professional ⁣accountancy body, rather than an external⁢ auditor. The FRC did not name the⁤ person.

Thurrock declared itself in effect bankrupt in December ‌2022 after running ‍up a deficit of £500m – ​among the largest losses in local government history. An official government review found the authority​ had recklessly gambled ‌hundreds of millions of pounds on risky‌ commercial investments ​while covering up evidence of its losses and attempting to silence ⁤critics.

Ministers hope £64bn package will stave ‍off more local council bankruptciesRead more

The review blamed ⁤the ‍collapse on the council leadership’s failure to challenge a series of commercial investments.

It comes as ⁤growing numbers ‍of local authorities in England run into financial difficulties after ploughing funds into risky investment schemes, aiming to generate income to⁢ offset ⁤the impact of ⁤central government austerity.

While ⁤there have been several⁣ high-profile casualties where⁤ councils⁤ racked up massive debts to cover investments – including Woking, Slough and Croydon – leaders in local government are ‍also warning that⁢ soaring cost ⁤pressures and ​years of underfunding are pushing others to the brink.

Dozens of local⁤ authorities are ⁣thought‍ to be at risk after an unprecedented rise in councils ⁤issuing section 114 notices last year – a mechanism used to declare ‌effective bankruptcy – including Labour-run Birmingham and Nottingham.

Nearly⁤ one in five council bosses from across the political divide believe it is “fairly ⁣or very likely” ⁣that they ‌will‍ go bust by next year as funding levels fail ⁢to keep pace with inflationary costs and rising⁤ pressure on services, according to the Local Government Association.

Ministers last ‌month announced a 6.5% increase in the‌ funding available‌ for English councils for ‍2024-25, a rise of about £4bn on the amount allocated a year‌ earlier. The LGA said the increase was not enough to⁤ meet “severe cost and⁤ demand ⁣pressures” facing⁣ councils.

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Andrew Jefferies, leader of Thurrock⁢ council, “strongly welcomed” ⁢the FRC investigation. “As a council, we recognise that things went very wrong. Our ​focus‍ now continues to be on taking the necessary action to ⁤put that right,” he ‌said.

“The announcement⁣ that the ​FRC will investigate the issues we’ve raised about the failings of the past is strongly welcomed by all of‍ us‌ working together to⁣ create⁤ a…

2024-01-03 ⁢09:29:46
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