Edinburgh’s Long-Running Door Dispute Resolved with a Lighter Shade of Pink

Edinburgh’s Long-Running Door Dispute Resolved with a Lighter Shade of Pink

<img​ alt="Man ⁣walks ‌past ⁤door” src=”https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/9dcfc21dfdb4055e230c98b9fe137701c223e815/0_94_5048_3028/master/5048.jpg?width=465&dpr=1&s=none” ⁣width=”465″ height=”278.92630744849447″ ‌class=”dcr-evn1e9″>

First​ it ⁣was an⁣ unacceptable ​pink, and ‍then⁣ an ‍unacceptable green.‌ Now the ⁤owner ⁣of Edinburgh’s ​most ⁣famous⁢ front⁢ door⁣ has ​won, with​ a⁢ colour⁣ which can perhaps charitably be called⁤ off-white.

After ​nearly 10 ⁤months of ‌dispute⁣ over conservation standards in⁣ the⁢ city’s New⁤ Town, council⁣ officials have declared ⁣defeat​ in​ their‌ standoff with ​Miranda​ Dickson ​of ‍Drummond Place.

Dickson, ‌who ⁤inherited the three-storey townhouse⁢ from her parents​ during‌ the​ Covid ⁢pandemic, ‌upset her⁢ neighbours ⁢by ‌painting⁣ the panelled⁣ door ⁢a vibrant pink‌ last ‍year.

Council officials⁤ ruled in October⁤ that colour breached​ the⁢ strict ⁢conservation⁢ rules ‍that ⁤govern Georgian ⁢properties in ‌the New Town ​– properties ⁢central ‍to ⁤the ⁤city’s closely ⁢guarded ​Unesco world ⁤heritage ⁢site‌ designation.

The ‍city ⁢council said she⁢ had breached ⁤listed ⁣buildings legislation and served⁢ Dickson ⁣with ⁤an enforcement⁤ notice, ordering her to repaint ⁢it or face ‌a fine of up to £20,000. She‌ was ⁢told to‌ return it to⁣ the⁤ white originally used.

Woman⁢ forced to repaint pink front door of listed ⁣Edinburgh ‌buildingRead more

Dickson, a ‌marketing ‌consultant,‍ then used ⁤an intense⁣ green instead – ‍a shade of paint ⁢with⁤ the⁢ name Aloha.‍ That too⁤ was incongruous, planning ⁣enforcement‌ officers ⁣ruled ⁢in ‌May,⁢ saying it represented a “discordant and​ obtrusive‌ change” ​that ⁢detracted from ‍the‍ conservation area and breached local⁣ planning rules.

She ​pivoted to ⁤two ‍other ‌colours, ⁢and chose‌ to use the “off-white” version of⁢ the⁣ two.⁢ The neighbourhood’s ⁢free newspaper,⁣ the ‌Spurtle, reports that ​the pink-tinged ⁣off-white⁤ is known​ to ​the painting ‍trade as‍ Gaiety.

In ⁣a fresh ruling,​ planning ⁢officials ‍remain ​unhappy⁤ and record that ⁤two ‌of⁣ Dickson’s‌ neighbours‌ had complained​ about Gaiety. ​However, ‍seemingly wearied⁣ by ⁤the ⁤controversy, the council ⁤has given‍ in.

“The pink-coloured main entrance door ⁣fails ​to ⁣preserve⁤ the character ‍of ‍the⁣ listed building and ⁢conservation ⁢area‌ where ⁢doors ⁢are⁤ traditionally ⁤a ​dark or ⁤muted ⁣colour,”⁣ they⁢ said.

“A‌ site ⁣visit​ carried ⁣out ​on 12‍ July 2023 confirmed that ⁢whilst ​the colour of‍ door ‍is ⁣currently pale pink‌ and not ‌white as ⁣required ⁤by the ‌notice, it is​ a‍ muted ​colour and⁣ is acceptable to ‍under-enforce ​the⁤ requirements of the enforcement notice.

“It‍ is ⁤therefore⁤ recommended⁢ that‍ the ​case⁢ is ⁢closed.”

Dickson was ⁢not‌ available⁢ to​ comment‌ but told the ‍Guardian ⁣earlier this ‍month‍ she‍ was⁣ “sad” that ⁣her⁣ neighbours ⁣had again complained. “There ‌are ⁤so many more⁢ serious ​issues⁣ to ‌get ‍energetic⁣ about ‍other than my ‌front⁢ door,” she‍ said.

She ‌said⁣ the third⁢ colour​ she⁤ had used ⁤was “identical to a door depicted on​ page 45 of the official ⁤Edinburgh New Town⁤ conservation appraisal, so ⁢I’m‌ struggling ​to​ see⁤ what‌ is ​actually wrong with the new‌ door ​colour ⁤from⁢ a ‌council point of view”.

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Dickson was ​doubly incensed ⁣as she had​ spent considerable amounts ⁢of ⁢money on⁣ restoring⁢ the three-storey townhouse. ​A ‍bright ‌garland of…

2023-07-20 ​11:44:01
Post ‌from www.theguardian.com
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