A Cat Gets Imprisoned in Baldur’s Gate 3 for Rat Slaying

A Cat Gets Imprisoned in Baldur’s Gate 3 for Rat Slaying

Baldur’s Gate ⁣3 is a massive game that⁣ guarantees two things. It offers new and unique experiences despite its popularity, and it⁢ also has some ‍unresolved bugs.⁤ It’s particularly amusing when these two categories overlap, leaving ‍players unsure if they’ve encountered ‍an interesting feature or a funny bug. For‌ instance, ​when ⁣a cat gets arrested for killing a rat.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s normal for cats to kill rats. It’s in their nature. However, it seems that one of the guards is ​unaware of this or simply dislikes this particular cat. Jasondads1⁤ shared ⁣evidence of his ⁤cat’s arrest on⁣ the‍ Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit. “I‌ decided⁤ to have‌ my ⁢cat kill‍ a rat. Apparently, the guard witnessed it and considered it condemnable.”

It’s not just cats⁤ that get arrested in the game. Nuttmegganarchist had a ⁤similar experience,⁢ although the crime‍ committed was much more monstrous. “Due to a series of events beyond his control, my elemental caused a powerful explosion ‍that ‍killed over 40 NPCs. The guards then confronted my elemental and initiated a speech check, which ⁢he failed.” The elemental is‌ essentially a human-shaped fire, so‍ it’s understandable why it failed the speech‍ check. I’m also unsure‌ if‌ the cell walls‍ can‌ contain ‍it for long.

The owner of ‌the imprisoned elemental mentioned ​that they⁣ play on PS5 and have the latest update installed, suggesting that it’s‌ likely a ⁢bug rather than a⁤ deliberate ⁣feature. If it‍ were a feature, it would probably be mentioned in the latest patches.

Link from www.playground.ru

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