20 Years Later: The Oldest Active Torrent Celebrates Its Milestone

20 Years Later: The Oldest Active Torrent Celebrates Its Milestone

Twenty ⁣years⁣ ago, a group of friends⁤ with ‍a limited budget ​made a fan film called “The Matrix”. Sharing their creation with the rest of the world initially seemed too expensive, but then they discovered a⁤ new technology called BitTorrent. Fast forward‍ two decades: their release, “The Fanimatrix,” is the oldest active torrent that is still widely distributed. The torrent was created on September 27, 2003,⁤ and⁣ tomorrow ⁣it will ​turn 20‍ years⁤ old. Truly an outstanding ‍achievement.

The film ⁣was made by a group of ‌friends from New Zealand. ⁤With a budget of 800 New Zealand dollars (about 500 USD), almost half of ⁣which was spent ‍on⁣ a ⁤leather jacket, they managed​ to complete the project ‌in‍ 9 days. The plot of the 16-minute ⁤film ‌takes place just before the events ​of the original “Matrix” and⁢ tells the story of rebels⁤ Dante and Medusa from the ship “Decart” and their fateful ⁢mission in the virtual world of the “Matrix”.

Indeed, in 2003, the‌ Internet was still in its infancy. Default connections were still dial-up, ⁤and ‌YouTube, Facebook, and Gmail ⁢had not‌ yet been invented. ⁤And⁤ since there⁢ were ⁣few options for sharing large files (up to⁣ 135 MB!) at the time, the newly created peer-to-peer protocol BitTorrent, which was first released on July 2, 2001, was used for its ​distribution.

Link from www.playground.ru

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