World’s First AI Safety Summit Commences in the UK

World’s First AI Safety Summit Commences in the UK

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wants a⁣ collaborative‌ approach to AI ⁤safety

The ⁣world’s first major summit on artificial intelligence (AI) safety opens in the UK ⁣on Wednesday, with political and tech ⁤leaders set to discuss possible responses to the‍ society-changing technology.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US Vice President Kamala Harris, EU⁤ chief Ursula ⁢von der Leyen and ⁤UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres⁣ will all attend the two-day conference, which will focus ⁤on growing fears​ about‍ the implications of so-called frontier AI.

The release of the latest models have offered a glimpse⁢ into the potential of AI,‌ but​ have⁣ also prompted concerns around issues ranging from job‌ losses to cyber attacks ​and the control that​ humans actually​ have over the systems.

Sunak, whose government ‍initiated the gathering, said in a speech last week ‌that‌ his ⁣”ultimate goal” was‍ “to work towards a ​more international approach to safety where we collaborate with partners‍ to ensure AI ⁢systems are safe before they are released.

“We will push hard to⁤ agree the first ever international statement ​about the‌ nature‍ of these risks,” he added, drawing comparisons to⁤ the approach taken to⁢ climate change.

But⁢ London ​has reportedly had to​ scale ⁤back its ⁤ambitions ⁤around ideas such as launching a new ‍regulatory‍ body amid a perceived lack ⁤of enthusiasm.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ‍is one of​ the only world‌ leaders, and only one from⁣ the G7, attending the conference.

Elon Musk is due to appear, but it is not clear yet whether he will be physically at‍ the summit in Bletchley Park, north ⁣of⁤ London, where top British codebreakers cracked Nazi ⁣Germany’s “Enigma” code.

While the potential of ⁤AI raises many hopes, particularly for medicine, ‌its development is seen as ‍largely unchecked.

In ‌his speech,‌ Sunak stressed the need ‍for countries to⁢ develop “a shared understanding of the risks that we face”.

But‍ lawyer and investigator Cori Crider, a campaigner for “fair” technology, ​warned that​ the summit could be “a bit of a talking shop.

“If he were serious about ​safety, Rishi ‌Sunak needed to roll deep and​ bring all of‌ the UK⁤ majors and regulators in tow and he​ hasn’t,” she told a press ​conference in San​ Francisco.

“Where is the ‍labour regulator looking at whether​ jobs are being made unsafe or redundant? Where’s‌ the data protection regulator?” she asked.

Having faced criticism for only looking⁤ at the risks of ⁢AI, ‌the ⁣UK on Wednesday pledged GBP38 million ($46 million) to fund AI ‌projects ‍around the world, starting in Africa.

Ahead of the meeting, the G7‌ powers agreed on ‌Monday on a non-binding “code ​of conduct” for companies⁣ developing the most advanced AI systems.

The White⁢ House ⁤announced its⁢ own plan to set safety standards for the‌ deployment of AI that⁢ will require companies to submit certain ⁣systems to government review.

And in Rome, ministers from‌ Italy, Germany and France called for an “innovation-friendly approach“⁢ to regulating AI in ‍Europe, as they urged more investments to challenge ⁢the US and China.

China will be present, but⁢ it​ is unclear at what ⁤level.

News website Politico reported London invited President Xi ‌Jinping, to signify its eagerness for a senior representative.

Beijing’s invitation has raised eyebrows ‍amid ‌heightened tensions ⁤with Western nations and accusations of technological espionage.

US ​Vice President Kamala Harris is​ attending

United kingdom

2023-11-11 ⁢14:41:02
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