Wordle Solution & Clues for July 17, 2023 (Puzzle #758)

Wordle Solution & Clues for July 17, 2023 (Puzzle #758)

There⁢ are only ‍three things that​ are certain in life: death, taxes, and a new⁣ Wordle puzzle to solve every day. Today’s answer isn’t⁢ a ⁢commonly ⁢used word, but shouldn’t cause ⁤too ⁢much trouble‌ for most players.⁢ Using basic Wordle strategies, ⁢and ⁤our daily hints, anyone should⁤ be⁣ able ​to‍ score ​an easy⁤ win ‍in today’s ‌game.

For⁣ those⁣ that ⁣prefer⁤ things a ‌little more difficult,⁤ there​ is ⁢always Quordle,‌ a Wordle-clone that ‍has⁣ players ‌solving four ‌different ⁤words at ‌the ‌same ⁣time. Using four grids,‌ but⁢ only⁢ one ‌answer for⁤ each ⁢try, players will have to balance each word ⁢as they‌ go before running out of​ chances⁢ to‌ guess all four. ​Quordle is a great⁣ way to increase a player’s skill at the‌ basic game of Wordle⁤ and provides a very​ difficult ⁣challenge​ for fans of word ‌games.

The answer‌ to⁤ the‌ July ⁤17th⁣ Wordle is DROOP.

Today’s‍ Wordle​ answer‍ didn’t cause‌ us ⁢too much​ trouble. For our ⁣starting Wordle word we used‍ POUND which ‍helpfully provided three, ​incorrectly placed, letters and ‌a wordle-solution-clues-for-july-17-2023-puzzle-758.html” title=”Wordle Solution & Clues for July 17, 2023 (Puzzle #758)”>good ⁢starting‌ point. ⁢Moving⁢ forward we mixed⁤ the letters ‍up ⁢a ⁣bit and tried ⁤DROPS.‌ This locked in the ⁢’D’,‌ ‘R’, and ‘O’ as‍ well‌ as telling⁣ us⁢ exactly where ‍the​ ‘P’ should be.

Using all the ‌hints ‌and⁢ locked-in letters‍ we quickly solved ⁤the daily puzzle​ and got⁢ a Wordle⁢ win-in-three with the correct‍ answer⁣ DROOP.

2023-07-17‌ 01:48:04
Post from ⁤screenrant.com

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