Wife of ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle pleads with Anthony Albanese to halt prosecution

Wife of ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle pleads with Anthony Albanese to halt prosecution

Richard Boyle’s wife has​ privately ​pleaded with the prime minister and attorney⁤ general to intervene and end⁢ his prosecution, describing the‍ ordeal as a nightmare ⁣and an injustice that‍ has shattered their lives.

Boyle spoke out internally, then to⁤ an independent watchdog and then to the media‌ in 2018 about ⁤the Australian Taxation Office’s aggressive pursuit of tax debts from small businesses, which ‌he ⁤said was destroying lives and causing unnecessary trauma to help the agency meet revenue goals.

He is ​now facing 24 charges relating to his actions prior to ‍blowing the⁤ whistle, including his alleged use ⁤of​ a mobile phone to take ​photographs of taxpayer information and ​covertly record conversations with colleagues.

Boyle tried and failed earlier this year to​ use Australia’s whistleblower protections to ‌halt his looming trial,⁣ leaving him to‌ face‌ the prospect of prison time.

He is now appealing to the SA⁢ supreme court, arguing the state’s district⁤ court was wrong to find that the Public Interest Disclosure Act could ⁢not protect him for ⁣acts done in preparation for blowing ‍the whistle. The⁣ case⁢ is seen ⁣as a test of the strength of ​Australia’s whistleblowing ⁣laws.

Jailing whistleblowers Richard Boyle ‍and David McBride would ‘stain’ Australia’s reputation, crossbench MPs sayRead more

His wife, Louise‌ Beaston, has written to ​Anthony Albanese and the⁣ attorney general, Mark Dreyfus, urging the government to use rarely deployed powers to intervene and⁣ end the prosecution. The same powers were​ used to end the case ⁢against Bernard Collaery, a lawyer who⁣ helped ‍reveal Australia’s bugging⁢ of ally Timor-Leste during oil and gas negotiations in 2004.

Beaston⁣ said⁣ their lives had been shattered since 2018 when federal police and tax officers‌ raided their home and again​ in 2019 when her husband was⁣ charged.

“Meanwhile we have been stuck in legal quicksand. ​It has been⁣ almost six years since⁤ Richard first lodged his ​public​ interest disclosure in October 2017, and ​yet this ordeal continues. All for telling the truth,” she wrote.

“It is hard ⁣to put into words and describe‍ the impact⁣ this case ‌has had on Richard and I, and our wider family. Every day we face the burden of this prosecution, and ‍our mental and physical health have⁢ both been devastated by this nightmare.

“Every day we wake up and wonder when this nightmare will end. You have⁣ the ​power to stop this ​injustice. ⁣I plead with you to drop the case and let Richard and I⁤ get on ‌with our lives. All Richard ever did was tell ‌the truth.”

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Labor has so far resisted intervening in the Boyle case.

Dreyfus told‌ parliament earlier this month that he was “strongly‌ of the view that integrity and rule of ⁣law are central ‌to Australia’s⁤ criminal justice arrangements”.

He said his powers to intervene were reserved for highly unusual and exceptional circumstances.

“I would like to note that ‍the government is committed to⁤ delivering strong,…

2023-09-17⁣ 22:00:16
Post from ‍ www.theguardian.com

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