Charges Against White Island Volcano Owners Dismissed by New Zealand Judge

Charges Against White Island Volcano Owners Dismissed by New Zealand Judge

The three‌ brothers who owned Whakaari/White Island ‌at⁤ the time of its deadly eruption‌ had ⁣the individual charges against them thrown out by a New Zealand judge on‌ Tuesday,​ two months into their trial.

The sudden eruption in December 2019 came⁤ as tour‌ groups were⁢ visiting the island volcano. The explosion killed 22 people, 17 of them Australians, and seriously injured 25 others.

Andrew, James and Peter Buttle – who inherited the island and own it through a family trust – were individually charged under New Zealand health and safety law with failing to exercise due diligence as company directors to know and ⁢manage White Island’s risk.

White Island volcano: Australian survivor shares pain of leaving family after eruption as trial continuesRead more

A judge-alone trial for the men, their company Whakaari ‌Management Limited, and other ‍tourism firms‌ involved ⁤in the Whakaari booking, transport and logistics process, began at the Auckland District⁤ Court in ‌July. All have pleaded not guilty.

At the conclusion of seven weeks of evidence against the defendants, lawyers for the Buttles argued last week that ​the material was insufficient to prove the charges against the men.

Judge Thomas agreed, and⁤ dismissed the charges the brothers faced in ⁢a ruling on Tuesday.

The company Whakaari Management Limited (WML) – of which the ​three men were sole directors – remains a defendant in the trial. The ‍men did not apply to have charges ​dismissed⁢ against the firm, which established deals with tour ⁣operators to bring visitors to the island.

Deciding whether the men had failed in their ⁢duties as directors would have required an assessment of each man’s actions based on the nature of their individual responsibilities and how they were discharged, Judge Thomas told the court.

“There is no evidence in this case​ of what happened⁣ behind the boardroom door at WML,” he said, adding‌ that there was no proof of what the Buttles’ circumstances and ⁤responsibilities as‌ directors were, ⁤or of what negotiations, discussions or disagreements happened between them.

“Without⁢ that evidence, I cannot assess what a reasonable director would have done⁤ had they been ⁤placed in that director’s shoes,” said​ Judge Thomas.

Investigators did not ask whether‍ the directors⁢ were⁤ unified​ in their ‌decision-making, he added. WorkSafe – New Zealand’s ‌labour inspectorate – could have sought individual information⁣ about the men’s actions – such as board meeting minutes – but did not, Judge ⁤Thomas‌ said.

It was the third ⁤time that lawyers for the three men had sought⁤ to have the ‌charges against them dismissed. ‌They argued that the brothers were referred to by WorkSafe as “the Buttles” – rather than individually – and that their company was treated by⁢ investigators ⁣as a‍ single-director firm.

Two tourism companies that are also⁤ defendants in ⁣the trial have made applications to have‌ the charges against them dismissed. A decision is expected on Friday.

Lawyers for WML have​ not yet…

2023-09-04 21:44:52
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