Why the Gaming Industry Hasn’t Produced the ‘Citizen Kane’

Why the Gaming Industry Hasn’t Produced the ‘Citizen Kane’

Steven ​Spielberg’s wholesome sci-fi classic, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, became ⁣a cultural ⁤touchstone following its release in ‍1982. The film’s hastily-developed ⁢(as in, “you have ​five weeks to get this to market”) Atari 2600 tie-in⁤ game⁣ became a cultural touchstone for entirely different reasons.

In ‍his new book, The Stuff ‌Games Are Made Of, experimental ‍game maker⁢ and assistant professor in design and computation arts at Concordia University in Montreal, Pippin Barr deconstructs the game design process using an ​octet of his own previous projects to shed light on⁣ specific aspects of how​ games could⁤ better be put together. In the excerpt below, Dr. Barr muses in what makes good cinema versus games and why the storytelling goals⁣ of those two mediums ⁣may not necessarily‍ align.

MIT Press

Excerpted ⁣from The Stuff ⁤Games⁢ Are Made⁤ Of by Pippin Barr. Reprinted with‌ permission from The ​MIT Press. Copyright 2023.

In the ‍Atari 2600 video ⁤game version of the film ⁣E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial…

2023-08-20‍ 09:30:54
Original from www.engadget.com rnrn

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