Why is the US urging the Palestinian Authority to take charge in Gaza?

Why is the US urging the Palestinian Authority to take charge in Gaza?

Washington, DC – United States officials have increasingly suggested that the Palestinian⁢ Authority⁣ (PA) should‍ rule over Gaza after Israel achieves its objective of eliminating Hamas, ​the ​group that⁣ currently controls the‍ territory.

But analysts warn that the‌ proposal may be unrealistic and premature, as the Israel-Hamas war nears ⁣the start of its seventh ‌week.

US President Joe Biden and his top aides⁤ have repeatedly expressed full support‍ for ⁤the ‌Israeli offensive in Gaza, but Washington has nevertheless⁣ offered indications of what⁤ it would like to see after the ‍conflict.

The Biden⁤ administration said it does not​ support an indefinite Israeli military presence in the territory, and it opposes downsizing the besieged ⁤strip or permanently displacing its ⁤population.

But if Israel manages to dislodge Hamas⁢ from Gaza — a goal that is far ⁤from guaranteed — bringing‌ the​ PA⁣ back to ⁣Gaza would face many hurdles,⁣ including Israeli opposition.

Earlier ⁢this‌ month, PA President Mahmoud Abbas seemed‌ to⁢ predicate the authority’s ​return to Gaza⁢ on the condition that a “political solution” ​to the conflict is reached, one​ that would include the ‌establishment ⁣of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Link from www.aljazeera.com

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