Why a Telescope Released Dark Matter Data from the Edge of Space

Why a Telescope Released Dark Matter Data from the Edge of Space

Doomsday came‍ on May ​25 for ‍the payload of a pumpkin-shaped balloon at the edge of space.
But things had not⁢ gone⁢ as planned. Early ⁣in the mission, satellite communications failed and ‍the telescope’s operators could not retrieve ⁢data wirelessly. As SuperBIT made a sixth pass over South America, projections showed the solar-powered telescope heading toward gloomy weather and away⁣ from another stretch of land to safely alight upon.
Operators decided to⁣ terminate ‌the flight⁣ early and anticipated a rough landing, so astrophysicist Ellen Sirks and colleagues instructed the aloft apparatus to ⁣send its data to Earth via capsules. The team simulated weather conditions⁢ to predict where the escape pods would land.
“We sort of envisioned these [drop capsules] as a redundant way⁣ of backing up the data,”⁢ says Sirks,​ of the University ⁣of Sydney in Australia. But they became important, she⁤ says,‌ “because all‍ the worst-case scenarios ​came ⁤true.”

2023-12-05 07:00:00
Link from www.sciencenews.org

Doomsday ​came on May 25 for⁢ the payload of ⁤a pumpkin-shaped balloon at the edge of space.
But things had not gone as planned. Early in the mission, satellite ⁢communications failed and the telescope’s operators could not retrieve data wirelessly. As SuperBIT made ⁣a sixth pass over South America, projections showed the solar-powered telescope heading ⁤toward gloomy ⁢weather and away from another⁣ stretch of land to safely alight upon.
Operators decided to terminate the flight early and anticipated a rough⁣ landing, so astrophysicist Ellen Sirks and colleagues instructed the aloft apparatus to send‍ its data to Earth ‌via capsules.⁢ The team simulated weather conditions to predict where the escape pods would land.
“We ⁣sort of envisioned these [drop capsules] ⁣as a redundant way of backing up the data,” says⁤ Sirks, of the University⁣ of Sydney in Australia.⁤ But they became important, she says, “because all the worst-case scenarios came true.”

2023-12-05 07:00:00 ⁤
Link ​from www.sciencenews.org

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