Where do Americans socialize?

Where do Americans socialize?

Where do Americans mingle?

TO TIME‌ travel back to‌ the 1960s simply step⁢ into an Olive Garden. Booths ​at the chain restaurant, known for its surfeit of breadsticks, are lined with spotted ‍upholstery. The sound of Frank Sinatra⁤ playing from old-school speakers evokes thoughts​ of salesmen⁤ in Chevrolets coming home to their darlings in the suburbs for supper. But look carefully ⁤and you’ll find that the patrons more closely ⁤resemble ⁤today’s America. A nurse in scrubs scarfs ⁤down a post-shift meal behind a tattooed African-American duo on a date. A family of a dozen—the women in hijabs, ‌the men⁢ in dress shirts—debates desserts as a lady with a gap in her front ⁤teeth fills up on unlimited salad and packs ‌her⁤ pasta for tomorrow.

The woefully‍ inauthentic⁢ Tuscan ‍joint is an all-American favourite. New research shows that its 1,800 branches also serve a social purpose. Maxim Massenkoff of the Naval Postgraduate School‌ and Nathan Wilmers of​ MIT Sloan School of Management used mobile data to‍ track where⁤ millions of‌ Americans spend‍ their‍ time. By matching people’s movements to socioeconomic data on where they live,‌ they were able to see‍ where rich and poor mingle. Sit-down​ chain restaurants, like⁤ Olive Garden, Chili’s and‍ Applebee’s, top the list.⁤ They bring Americans together​ more than‌ any other private or public institution—eclipsing bars, churches, petrol stations, libraries, parks ​and schools (see chart).

As America​ has become more unequal ​and ‌less religious, rich and poor have become ever stranger‍ to each other.⁤ In 1980 roughly ⁢12% of the population lived in places that were‌ especially rich⁤ or especially⁣ poor. ‍By 2013, one-third ​did. That made local schools less⁤ of a melting‍ pot. Meanwhile colleges became ⁢a sorting machine for adults. ​Low‍ and high-wage workers ⁢rarely work in the same sectors. And though ​some‍ high-paid men used to ⁣marry‍ their secretaries, they now wed ⁢fellow executives whose paychecks resemble their own. An American in ⁤the top income…

2023-09-07 09:20:20
Post ⁤from www.economist.com

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