Volkswagen and Mobileye to Begin Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Austin

Volkswagen and Mobileye to Begin Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Austin

Volkswagen Group of America (VWGoA) is set to launch its first autonomous vehicle test program in Austin in July 2023.

Courtesy: Vokswagen AG

Volkswagen announced on Thursday that it will commence testing self-driving electric vehicles in Austin, Texas, later this month.

The German auto giant plans to deploy approximately 10 of its ID Buzz electric vans, equipped with autonomous driving systems developed with Mobileye, by the end of 2023. The first two vans have already arrived in the U.S. and will begin testing before the end of July.

The self-driving ID Buzz vans are equipped with lidar, radar, and camera systems. These vehicles will operate within specific areas of the city that have been meticulously mapped, a concept known as “geofencing,” according to Volkswagen.

During the testing phase, all self-driving vehicles will have human safety drivers on board.

“We have chosen Austin as our first U.S. hub due to the city’s history of embracing innovation and its favorable testing environment…

2023-07-06 08:30:01
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