ChatGPT Helps People With Low IQ Appear Smarter, According to ‘Shark Tank’ Judge

ChatGPT Helps People With Low IQ Appear Smarter, According to ‘Shark Tank’ Judge

2023-02-20 18:36:19
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A new solution to help people with low IQs appear smarter has been revealed in a recent episode of the popular reality show, ‘Shark Tank’. The company, ChatGPT, uses an advanced chatbot to create and respond to text messages on behalf of the user, allowing them to appear more intelligent in everyday conversations with friends and colleagues.

The idea was presented to the show’s judges by Jeff Biederman, who is the CEO of ChatGPT and a veteran of the Artificial Intelligence industry. After hearing about how the technology works, one of the show’s judges, Barbara Corcoran, noted that it could be helpful for people with lower IQs, who she said often feel like they are at a disadvantage in conversations.

Biederman responded by saying that the technology, which is still in its testing phases, could help individuals with lower IQs to experience a more level playing field when conversing with others. The software relies on a database of stored phrases and information, as well as AI technology, to help the user generate appropriate and intelligent responses to text messages.

While the judges gave the idea a glowing review and offered Biederman a chance to grow his business, the idea of ChatGPT has been met with mixed reactions in the broader public. For example, detractors have argued that the technology could have a negative effect on the ability of some people to communicate effectively with others, while supporters have applauded the idea of capitalizing on the power of AI to level the playing field.

No matter what the opinions are, it seems clear that ChatGPT could be a revolutionary technology, and could help people with lower IQs to appear smarter in conversations. The company is now working on refining and expanding their platform, and it will be interesting to see how it develops in the future.

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