Vietnamese Disagree with China’s Perception of ‘Cold War Mentality’ in US-Vietnam Pact

Vietnamese Disagree with China’s Perception of ‘Cold War Mentality’ in US-Vietnam Pact

Hanoi, Vietnam – When Vietnam’s Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and ⁤United States President Joe Biden upgraded diplomatic relations to their⁤ highest level​ last weekend, Chinese officials responded by raising the spectre of a new Cold War playing out in Southeast Asia.

China’s ⁣foreign ministry spokesperson ‌Mao Ning ‌advised Washington to discard its “hegemonic and Cold War mentality” when asked about Trong and‌ Biden signing up to a comprehensive ‍strategic partnership equal to Beijing’s own ⁤relations⁣ with Vietnam.

Mao said that Washington should “abide by basic norms governing international relations” when dealing⁣ with Asian ⁢nations.

“We‌ ask the US⁤ to <a href="” title=”Vietnamese Disagree with China's Perception of 'Cold War Mentality' in US-Vietnam Pact”>respect regional countries’ shared aspiration for stability, cooperation​ and development,” she said, pointing out that Vietnam ⁢had “stressed⁣ on multiple occasions” that its relationship ⁢with Beijing was a “top priority ⁢in the country’s foreign affairs”.

US officials swiftly rejected claims that cosying up to Vietnam’s rulers – ‍whom the‌ US⁢ once fought a war against – was a chess board move‍ in a new confrontation​ with China in the Indo-Pacific​ region.

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