Using molecular fibers to facilitate the delivery of genetic material into cells: Lessons from viruses

Using molecular fibers to facilitate the delivery of genetic material into cells: Lessons from viruses

Pathogenic viruses that enter the ‍human body can dock onto cells with their⁤ tentacle-like extensions, whereupon⁤ the cell takes up ‍the viruses. This process, which is⁣ already known and occurs in diseases such as HIV, can also‌ be used for⁣ therapeutic approaches.

In so-called “gene therapy,” the aim is to introduce genetic material into cells.⁢ This allows ‍a variety of applications: Defective⁣ genes in cells, such as ‍those found in hereditary ‍diseases, ⁤can be specifically replaced to restore the missing cell‌ functionality. Another example are T cells, immune cells‌ of the body, ​which can be reprogrammed⁣ to ⁤attack emerging cancer. ‍In all cases, efficient transport of genetic material into ⁢the cell is necessary.

Research is now exploiting⁣ this ability of viruses to⁤ enter cells. The protein extensions that are docked ⁤onto the viral shell are an important building block for this: they ensure that the viral shells dock onto the cell.

Researchers led by director Tanja Weil and group leader Christopher Synatschke of the Max Planck Institute for​ Polymer Research have now taken a closer ⁤look at a small fragment of these protein extensions on ​different ‌size scales. The molecule—a so-called “peptide”—consists of a chemical compound of different amino acids. ​Several of‍ the molecules joined together can form long, spaghetti-like structures⁤ called “peptide fibers.”

These​ fibers can serve as a kind of “glue” between so-called therapeutic viruses and cell envelopes, improving the process of virus uptake ⁣into cells. Improved binding can reduce the ⁣viral⁣ dose⁣ needed for gene therapy ⁢and increase the chances of successful therapy.

2023-08-23 18:48:03
Link from ⁤ rnrn

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