Unveiling the Triumph of Delusional: Breaking Through Denuvo’s Defenses in Might and Magic Heroes VII: Trial by Fire

Exciting news ⁣in ⁣the gaming⁤ world! The notorious‌ hacker known as Delusional has just made a groundbreaking announcement. He successfully cracked the protection system of⁤ Denuvo in the popular game Might and Magic Heroes VII: Trial by ⁣Fire.

While the original game had been cracked before, the Trial by Fire expansion posed a new challenge with the implementation of Denuvo by Ubisoft. It stood uncracked for years, making ‍it ⁢a significant achievement for Delusional, especially since it’s his first non-sports game⁤ crack.

The layers of protection on the game included Denuvo, VMProtect, Custom, and Uplay, ⁣making it the most ⁣complex combination Delusional has ever bypassed.

Article from www.playground.ru

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