Unveiling the Sensual Artwork of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered: Coming Soon in the Next Update!

Exciting news⁣ for Tomb⁢ Raider fans! Aspyr has just ⁤announced that Lara ‍Croft posters ​will be making⁢ a comeback in the‌ upcoming patch for Tomb ‌Raider I-III Remastered. These iconic posters were mysteriously missing in the previous patch but will ⁣now be⁣ restored in⁣ patch 3.

Speculations arose when the posters vanished ​in the ⁢recent patch, ⁣sparking debates about censorship and modern standards. However, Aspyr assures players that this was‌ simply an oversight and not ⁢intentional. The ‌community’s feedback played a role in bringing back⁤ these beloved⁢ elements⁤ to the game.

It’s interesting to note the timing of this announcement ⁣following ‍the⁢ discussions within the ⁢community. Despite the coincidence, Aspyr ‌stands by their explanation and​ looks forward to ⁢reuniting players with⁢ the classic Lara Croft posters ⁣in the​ game.

Article from www.playground.ru

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