Amidst ongoing scandals, South Korea’s first lady has once again found herself in hot water, this time over a controversial gift captured in a secret video. With the Dior bag scandal making headlines, will it impact the ruling party in the upcoming parliamentary elections?
Join us in this episode as we hear from Raphael Rashid (@koryodynasty), a freelance journalist shedding light on the situation.
Special thanks to Fahrinisa Campana and Chloe K. Li for producing this episode, alongside our host Natasha Del Toro. Fact-checking by Zaina Badr and Sonia Bhagat.
Our talented sound designer is Alex Roldan, with Aya Elmileik leading audience development and engagement, and Adam Abou-Gad as our engagement producer.
Executive produced by Alexandra Locke, The Take is brought to you by Ney Alvarez, Al Jazeera’s head of audio.
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