1C Game Studios has recently unveiled a captivating video series introducing their upcoming card roguelike game, “Immortal: Tales of Old Rus.” The first video delves into the core gameplay mechanics that form the foundation of this exciting new title.
- Embracing classical mechanics, the game features cards representing the protagonist’s states and abilities. Each hero boasts a unique skill set:
- Vasilisa the Wise excels in summoning magical assistants and employs defensive strategies with passive damage effects on enemies.
- Varvara-Krasa disrupts the turn order, bewildering adversaries.
- Additionally, there are universal cards that offer support in rare instances when the primary strategy falters.
- Following each battle, players have the freedom to modify their deck by adding new cards, enhancing existing ones, or discarding unnecessary ones.
- Similar to the mechanics in Slay the Spire, enemies telegraph their intentions, providing insight into their upcoming actions.
- Unlike players, enemies lack cards and typically rely on basic abilities like movement, attack, and occasional special moves such as debuffing characters or calling for reinforcements.
“Immortal” is set to launch in early access on PC platforms, with the official release scheduled for the second quarter of 2024.
Source: stopgame.ru