Ukrainian forces have retreated from the eastern city of Avdiivka, marking a significant victory for Moscow and a setback for Ukraine’s military. General Oleksandr Syrsky ordered the withdrawal to avoid encirclement and protect the lives of soldiers. Avdiivka, once home to 30,000 people, was surrounded by Russian troops and had been under relentless assault for months. President Volodymyr Zelensky cited a shortage of ammunition due to declining Western military assistance as a hindrance to Ukrainian troops. The fall of Avdiivka is a strategic and symbolic blow to Ukraine’s military, as it was a key stronghold in the Donetsk region. The city has been a front line since Russia’s military intervention in 2014 and has endured years of war and full-scale assaults. The recent offensive began in October, with Russian troops breaking into residential areas in late January. The city was bombed to ruins, and Russian troops advanced through scorched-earth tactics, leaving thousands dead and wounded. The fall of Avdiivka is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
How did the battle unfold?
Avdiivka, a suburb of the Russian-controlled city of Donetsk, has been a front line since Russia’s military intervention in 2014. The recent offensive began in October, with Russian troops breaking into residential areas in late January. The city was bombed to ruins, and Russian troops advanced through scorched-earth tactics, leaving thousands dead and wounded. The fall of Avdiivka is a significant development in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
How significant is the fall of Avdiivka?
Russia’s capture of Avdiivka is a strategic and symbolic blow to Ukraine’s military. Avdiivka was a stronghold of Ukrainian defenses in the Donetsk region, protecting several key Ukrainian military positions farther west and putting the nearby…
2024-02-17 14:30:30
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