Until September 30th, Tesla provides customers with a one-time transfer of Full Self-Driving.

Until September 30th, Tesla provides customers with a one-time transfer of Full Self-Driving.

Tesla has initiated the process ⁣of informing‌ owners ⁢that they ‍have the option to transfer the Full ​Self-Driving (FSD)⁤ feature they purchased to a new​ vehicle, provided⁣ they take delivery⁢ within ​the next three months. Elon ​Musk ⁣announced a special opportunity during the automaker’s ‍Q2 ⁢2023⁣ investor ‌call, referred to ⁣as⁤ a “one-time amnesty,” which permits owners ‌to transfer their‌ FSD. A ​screenshot of the offer, including its terms and​ conditions, was shared ‌by Twitter user Keith⁤ Dahlenburg ​(via​ Not⁤ A Tesla App, The⁢ Verge).

One of ⁢the most important‌ conditions ⁣is⁣ that ‌owners can ‍only avail‍ of this one-time amnesty if they receive‌ a⁣ new Tesla vehicle between ‍July⁤ 20th‍ and September 30th, 2023. It cannot ‍be applied retroactively, meaning those who‌ have⁣ taken delivery before‍ or⁣ after⁤ those dates will unfortunately have to⁤ pay for access‌ again. It is worth ⁤noting ‌that ⁤FSD comes ⁢with a hefty price tag ⁣— ​Tesla⁤ increased its ‌price to‌ $15,000 last year. This represents a⁣ significant price hike for early ​adopters who ⁢were able to acquire the ⁢feature⁤ for ⁣$5,000⁣ several years ago. Now, they have the⁤ opportunity to⁢ obtain a new…

2023-07-22 10:00:04
Post ⁣from www.engadget.com ​rnrn

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