Unraveling the Intriguing Cyberpunk 2077 Mechanic: A Must-Have Feature for the Sequel

The potential addition of a perplexing⁢ mechanic in Cyberpunk 2077 could bring new ‍life‍ to its sequel,⁣ Project ‌Orion. With ongoing updates to Cyberpunk 2077 and the focus shifting towards the sequel, players can⁢ anticipate exciting enhancements and innovations in the‍ upcoming installment. Rather than just fixing past issues, the developers are looking to elevate​ the gaming experience with fresh features and improvements.

Upon its‌ initial‌ release in December 2020,⁢ Cyberpunk 2077 faced criticism for technical issues and performance problems, especially on older consoles‌ like PS4 and Xbox One. However, after significant updates and improvements, the game has garnered praise from​ players. Despite this, one aspect ⁢remains puzzling:‌ the⁣ percentages displayed⁣ at the top of ‌the in-game menu screen.

When players access the in-game menu of Cyberpunk 2077,⁣ they will notice‍ three icons at the top center, each accompanied by a percentage below. These icons represent‌ different aspects ‌such as V’s notoriety, relationship with Johnny‌ Silverhand, and ⁣the condition‌ of ⁣the Relic. While players ⁣speculated about their significance, it has been revealed that these percentages do ‌not actually impact gameplay ‌in any meaningful⁣ way.

According‌ to a ​Q&A session on CD Projekt ​Red’s subreddit, the percentages are‌ likely remnants of ‍unused mechanics or simply decorative elements.⁢ Despite players’ assumptions about unlocking the secret ending⁢ based ⁢on these‍ percentages, it has been clarified that ​the outcome ‌is determined⁣ by⁣ specific dialogue choices and‍ actions rather than the displayed percentages.

2024-04-22 08:51:02
Source⁢ from screenrant.com

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