Unprecedented and ‘Chaotic’ Glimpse of Our Galaxy’s Center Revealed by Webb Telescope Images

Unprecedented and ‘Chaotic’ Glimpse of Our Galaxy’s Center Revealed by Webb Telescope Images

The ‌James Webb ⁣telescope is back with some more gorgeous images. This time, the telescope​ eyed the center of the Milky Way galaxy, shining a light on the densest part‍ of our surrounding environs in “unprecedented detail.” Specifically, the images ⁣are sourced from a star-forming region called Sagittarius C, or Sgr C for short.

This⁣ area is about 300 light-years from the galaxy’s supermassive black ⁢hole, Sagittarius A, and over 25,000 light-years from a little blue rock called Earth. ‌All told, the region boasts over 500,000 stars and various clusters ⁢of protostars, which ⁣are stars that are still ​forming and gaining mass. The end result? A stunning cloud of chaos, especially when compared to our⁢ region of space, which is decidedly sparse in comparison.

As a matter of fact, ​the galactic center is “the ‍most extreme environment” in the Milky Way, as ‌stated by University of ⁤Virginia professor Jonathan Tan, who assisted the observation ​team. There has never been any data on this…

2023-11-20 13:59:12
Source from www.engadget.com

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