Discover the fascinating world of fish communication with Ashlee Lillis, a leading researcher in the field. Through grunts, growls, clicks, and other peculiar sounds, fish have a lot to say. Lillis and her colleagues are on a mission to identify and understand the underwater calls of various fish species, unveiling hidden secrets beneath the surface. While the concept of studying animal sounds is not new, the focus has primarily been on whale songs. Now, researchers are eager to explore the vast symphony of fish sounds, opening up a whole new realm of discovery.
The task at hand is monumental, especially when it comes to ray-finned fishes. With over 34,000 species in this group, only about 1,000 have been studied for their vocalizations. However, a recent analysis suggests that as many as 175 families, representing nearly 85 percent of all ray-finned fish species, could have soniferous members communicating through sound. The cacophony of fish sounds can provide valuable insights into biodiversity, the presence of invasive species, and the timing of mating seasons, guiding conservation efforts and human activity in marine environments.
2024-04-02 10:30:00