Unlock the Secrets of Bloodborne: Players Successfully Launch Game on shadPS4 Emulator with Functional Menu

Unlock the Secrets of Bloodborne: Players Successfully Launch Game on shadPS4 Emulator with Functional Menu

Exciting news emerged yesterday with the announcement of ‍a groundbreaking new PS4 emulator⁢ – shadPS4. Setting itself apart from other emulators, shadPS4⁤ has already proven its capability to run certain 3D games.

Curious users decided to put the emulator to the test ‌by trying to run‍ the demanding game, Bloodborne – ‌and‍ the results were nothing short of impressive. shadPS4 successfully launched the game and even⁤ managed to display the in-game menu.⁣ However, ⁣further ​enhancements are still ⁣needed to ensure a seamless gaming experience.

While it may require some time before shadPS4 can fully support Bloodborne, this initial progress marks a significant milestone in the development of the emulator.

Link‍ from www.playground.ru

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