Unlock New Heroes for Free in Overwatch 2 – Here’s the Only Catch

Unlock New Heroes for Free in Overwatch 2 – Here’s the Only Catch

Exciting news‍ for Overwatch 2 fans! All playable heroes will soon be ⁣accessible to all players for free. No longer will you have to purchase a Battle Pass or ​spend hours unlocking new characters. Starting‍ with Season 10,⁢ Blizzard is making all heroes ⁣available ‌at no extra cost. This means that new heroes like Mauga will no longer be behind ‌a paywall.

However, new players will still need to complete ⁤the regular onboarding experience, including tutorials and unlocking the original ​roster of characters. But once that’s done, characters like Venture, Mauga, and Illari ​will​ all⁢ be unlocked and ready‍ to play.

But that’s⁢ not all -‍ Blizzard has also announced that time-limited Mythic Skins will now be available in the Mythic Shop. This means players can purchase the desired ‌Mythic Skin and choose which⁤ parts of the item they​ want to unlock, allowing ‍for more customization than ever before.

2024-03-20 00:51:03
Original from screenrant.com

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