Unleashing the Spirits: Banishers of New Eden” unveils exciting new features in latest update

Exciting news for Banishers:⁤ Ghosts of⁤ New Eden players! Don’t Nod has⁣ just released patch⁣ 1.4, the first major ⁢update​ since the‍ game’s launch.⁤ This update ⁣addresses various aspects ⁣of the game‍ to enhance your ⁢gaming experience. The PC version of the patch is 2.7 GB in size, while the console version is 3.7 GB.⁣ Please note that the PC update​ is currently only available on⁣ Steam, with the Epic Games Store version to follow ‍soon.

Among the improvements in this patch are fixes to enemy and boss behavior to make battles more challenging, resolution ​of errors that could potentially block missions,⁣ and adjustments to⁣ the‌ movement system to prevent characters⁤ from going off the map. Additionally, invisible collisions that affected smooth movement have ‍been eliminated.

Cinematic episodes have also ​been polished,‌ addressing issues such as distorted⁣ facial animations and sound⁣ problems. Every aspect of the game, from the interface to the photo mode and translations, has been ⁣fine-tuned⁤ for a better gameplay experience.

For more details, you can check out the full patch ‍notes ​ here.

Article from www.playground.ru

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