Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: How Big Tech is Dominating the Industry

Is the dominance ‌of big tech being fueled by artificial intelligence?

The⁤ emergence of ChatGPT in November 2022,⁢ developed by OpenAI, ‍captured the ⁣attention of the business​ world. However, the landscape is ⁣shifting ⁤once​ again‌ with Nvidia,‌ known for its accelerator chips powering AI, now competing with⁢ Microsoft to⁤ claim the title of the world’s most valuable⁣ company. Both‌ companies are heavily investing in a ​range of startups to solidify their positions, attracting scrutiny from antitrust agencies due to ⁢the prevailing ⁣”techlash” sentiment.

While regulatory authorities have faced criticism for their ​handling of big tech in the past, the⁣ behavior of tech⁤ giants themselves‌ has‍ not been without fault. What is remarkable​ is the pace at which‌ antitrust investigations are now progressing. Unlike historical cases that dragged on for decades, current​ probes are moving​ swiftly. The FTC, ⁤for instance,⁣ is still engaged in a legal battle with Meta over‍ Facebook’s⁤ acquisitions of⁤ Instagram and WhatsApp, ​transactions that took⁢ place ⁢over a decade ago.

2024-06-23 10:01:13
Source: www.economist.com

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