Exclusive: Simon Birmingham Criticizes PM’s Contact with Assange; Bird Flu Outbreak in ACT Connected to NSW

Latest Updates:
-⁢ Assange’s lawyer expresses gratitude to Albanese, Wong, Dreyfus, and Rudd for their assistance.
– Julian Assange’s wife, Stella, describes him as ‘overjoyed’ and ‘marvelling at the horizon.’
– Penny Wong emphasizes her role in⁤ advocating for an Australian citizen like Assange.
-‌ Caution issued regarding mushroom gummies after five individuals hospitalized in NSW.
– Simon ⁢Birmingham‍ deems PM’s phone call‌ to Julian Assange as ‘inappropriate.’
– Start your day with the⁢ latest news.
– ⁤Canberra bird flu case connected to‍ NSW outbreak.
– Stay informed with our ‍new filtering⁣ system.

Key Events:
– Katy Gallagher shares her perspective⁤ on‍ the⁤ prime minister’s handling of issues within the Labor party.
– Gallagher acknowledges the diversity of views within the Labor caucus and the importance of solidarity.
– Gallagher⁢ supports ‌Senator Payman’s decision and praises the Prime Minister’s response.
– Inflation concerns discussed with Katy Gallagher, hinting at potential delays in interest rate cuts.

Stay updated with ⁢the latest news and insights from The Guardian.

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