Today marks the release of Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance, an RTS strategy game set in the Terminator universe, developed by the renowned studio Slitherine Ltd. The game has already garnered favorable reviews from esteemed critics, with IGN Italia awarding it an impressive 85 points, and giving it a solid 80 points.
Critics have lauded the game for its intricately crafted missions and immersive shootout simulations. While hailed as a commendable RTS strategy, some have expressed a preference for the traditional Skynet as the antagonist instead of Legion. Overall, the game is poised to appeal to both strategy enthusiasts and die-hard Terminator fans.
In the single-player campaign, players assume the role of the “Founders” faction commander, tasked with thwarting Legion’s plot to eradicate the last vestiges of humanity. Additionally, the game offers a multiplayer mode where players can align with three different factions – Founders, Legion, or Resistance. Tactical decision-making and the utilization of diverse equipment and infantry are crucial during battles.
Notably, the game has been released on PC without any DRM, and has already been shared online by the group RUNE. Furthermore, the game boasts official Russian text localization.
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