UK politics live: Keir Starmer faces heckling from protesters during education speech

From 40m agoKey events4m agoStarmer suggests government using debate about guidance for schools on trans pupils for ‘political point scoring’9m agoStarmer claims his government would be ‘laser focused’ on reducing poverty, just like last Labour government14m agoLabour would negotiate with teaching unions ‘every day’ until strikes resolved, says Starmer34m agoStarmer says last Labour government failed to eradicate ‘snobbery that looks down on vocational education’40m agoStarmer heckled by climate protesters41m agoStarmer says ‘wherever there are obstacles to opportunity, Labour will tear them down’47m agoStarmer claims Just Stop Oil are ‘riddled with arrogance’ and says he can’t wait for their protests to stop1h agoWhat Pincher did, and the impact it had2h agoWhy Pincher argued groping incident was not breach of code of conduct for MPs2h agoHow Boris Johnson dismissed interview question about whether he should have handled Pincher affair differently2h agoLabour says Chris Pincher should resign as MP2h agoChris Pincher should be suspended from Commons for 8 weeks over ‘grave’ sexual misconduct, report says3h agoStarmer says schools would put more focus on teaching ‘speaking skills’ under LabourFilters BETAKey events (13)Keir Starmer (15)Chris Pincher (7)Rishi Sunak (3)now06.21 EDT

Q: You have said that you will use the revenue from cutting tax breaks for private schools for various policies. Does it add up?

Starmer says the policy would raise more than £1bn. He says the policy proposals have been properly costed.

Q: How can people trust you give your U-turn on the green investement pledge?

Starmer does not accept there has been a U-turn on that. The party is doubling down on it, he says.

3m ago06.18 EDT

Starmer says he wants Just Stop Oil to stop their protest. He repeats the language he used in his Times Radio article earlier about their arrogance. (See 10.34am.)

4m ago06.17 EDTStarmer suggests government using debate about guidance for schools on trans pupils for ‘political point scoring’

Q: Do you think schools need to have single sex toilets? And do you think schools should tell parents if their children want to change sex?

Starmer says there is a need for guidance on this. The government has promised this, but it has not appeared yet. He urges them to release it, so people can look at it. And he says they should put the protection of children at its heart, not “political point scoring”.

7m ago06.14 EDT

Q: Why don’t you back free school meals for all primary schools?

Starmer says there is a debate to be had. He says his view is that there are better ways of spending money. He says the party is committed to extending breakfast clubs.

9m ago06.12 EDTStarmer claims his government would be ‘laser focused’ on reducing poverty, just like last Labour government

Q: Poverty, and child poverty, does not seem to have got much of a mention in your five missions. What would Labour do about that?

Starmer says, just as the last Labour government was “laser…

2023-07-06 05:08:03
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